The Women’s REACH (Recovery, Engagement, Access, Coaching & Healing) program provides statewide integration of 15 recovery navigators positioned throughout each of the five DMHAS regions. These women use recovery coaching techniques and case management services to support women in their community. Services are prioritized for pregnant or parenting women with substance use or co-occurring disorders. Based on an outreach and engagement model, female recovery navigators develop collaborative relationships with local community-based programs and providers within the medical and behavioral health community.
PROUD – Parents Recovering from Opioid Use Disorder
PROUD is a new SAMHSA-funded program of the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) that aims to serve pregnant and postpartum women with substance use disorders, including opioid use disorder, in the Greater Hartford and New Britain areas.
PROUD teams will complete a family needs assessment with eligible women and their household members to create a plan to address individual and family needs around: substance use and mental health treatment, connections to medical providers (including prenatal care), employment, housing and recovery support.
PSI Online Support Meetings | Postpartum Support International (PSI)
Postpartum Support International offers over 20+ online support groups using a peer-to-peer support model.