Q: I’m having trouble with my emotions and need someone to talk to, can I call and talk with your doctor?
A: If you are in immediate suicidal crisis, please call or text 988.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, sad, or anxious and need someone to talk to, the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline can help – 24/7 – call or text 1-833-852-6262 (1-833-TLC-MAMA).
Q: I need help finding a therapist. Can I call the ACCESS Mental Health for Moms program directly?
A: While the program offers resource support to pregnant and parenting individuals, your medical provider needs to call first to request support. Please talk with your provider and ask them to call us today.
Q: How is the ACCESS Mental Health for Moms program committed to Equity and Inclusion?
A: ACCESS Mental Health CT and DMHAS have a commitment to prioritize equity and inclusivity and is committed to respect and support the health of people across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. This program is cognizant that the topics addressed in this plan that fall under the umbrella of “women’s health” are not exclusive to cis-gender individuals and can impact people across all gender identities.