Provider Toolkits

The ACCESS Mental Health for Youth Provider Toolkit is a guide specifically designed for pediatric and family care physicians (PCPs) and provides actionable information, algorithms, and insights so that providers and practices can successfully address pediatric mental health and substance use conditions within their practice. Any questions, or if you need clinical guidance and/or resource and referral support for your patient, please contact ACCESS Mental Health for Youth, Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.

Explore the toolkit’s topics

Oversight of the ACCESS Mental Health program is provided by the Central Administrative team at Carelon Behavioral Health.  Any questions regarding the statewide program can be directed to: Elizabeth Garrigan, LPC ~  Statewide Program Director, ACCESS Mental Health CT ~  Carelon Behavioral Health ~  500 Enterprise Drive, Suite 3D ~  Rocky Hill, CT 06067 ~  860-263-2095 ~